See Video Breakdown

Get a breakdown of each product in the video and get a more in-depth look to see which products would be right for your business. All systems are customized to each business because everyone’s needs are different.

If you’re interested in improving your wastewater treatment solutions, call 831-531-2144 or Request a Free Consultation!

How it Applies to You

The big question for most is, “How does this help me save money?” Along with capital cost savings, here’s a list of benefits you’ll find from our aerobic digestion wastewater treatment process:

  • Low maintenance
  • Use 90% less water and 30% fewer chemicals
  • Remote monitoring
  • Get a 98% or more BOD reduction
  • The most efficient system guaranteed

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Aerobic Digestion Equipment:

  • Pond Treatment
  • Package Systems
  • Microbes

Still unsure? See what we’ve done before

Daou Vineyard & Wineries | We assisted by providing a package treatment system including lift stations, solids screening, pH balancing, and aerobic digestion.

Worthy Brewing Company | We implemented a pre-treatment system, which includes solids screening, settling, and automatic pH balancing.

See all of our Case Studies to see how we’ve helped numerous businesses across the United States.

Video Breakdown

ClearBlu’s complete wastewater treatment comprises of 6 steps, customized for your business. By assessing your current infrastructure, we target capital cost savings.

First, we install a circular lift station to move your wastewater to the first stage of treatment. These lift stations are self-cleaning and fully automated and can handle high-temperature wastewater. We build our own stainless-steel wedge wire waterfall screens, with self-cleaning spray bars. These spray bars use 90% less water than rotary drum screens. These screens can separate material as small as .5 millimeters.

Once screened, the water flows into a pH balancing system built by ClearBlu. This automatic system senses the initial pH level and checks that against the system’s set parameters. With rapid mixing utilizing stainless steel eductor technology, these pH systems use 30% less chemicals than normal pH adjusting systems.

The next stage is utilizing a screw press. This optional piece of equipment is ideal for the removal of 95% of fine solids and can remove up to 20% of BOD. Then, to accelerate the treatment process, the automatic dosing system adds high-strength bacteria. Bacteria targeted at your specific waste stream greatly accelerate the digestion process and will accommodate changes in flow and strength.

The next stage is our unique, continuous flow Updraft Aerobic Digestion, utilizing Nanobubble technology. Wastewater is circulated through a dense media pack, with a volume multiplying mixing system. This is the ClearBlu Updraft Biodigester system. The bacteria are 60% more efficient because they have thousands of square feet of “fixed film” surface with this molded polypropylene honeycomb media.

Nanobubbles, which are not buoyant, are injected through the mixing system. These Nanobubbles provide an exponentially larger surface area per cubic foot of air than conventional fine or coarse bubbles by injecting over a billion bubbles per milliliter. The continuous flow creates a completely aerobic environment, as well as complete digestion.

ClearBlu’s flume and ultrasonic flow detection monitor and control the final stage flow, and telemetry systems can be used for remote monitoring. This energy-efficient process will help you attain a 98 percent or more reduction in BOD. And that’s not all, some other great advantages of our aerobic digestion treatment include no odor, low maintenance, and reduced capital costs.

ClearBlu Environmental is your full-service water treatment company. Call 831-531-4060 or fill out the form below!

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